Can You Freeze


Can You Freeze Pico de Gallo?

Have you thought about freezing Pico de Gallo before? Or wondered if Pico de Gallo and Salsa are the same? I keep coming across the same questions on different social platforms every day and thought I should step up and answer all these questions in a single post.  Indeed Pico de Gallo is becoming more …

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Can You Freeze Brown Rice?

So can you freeze brown rice? How long does brown rice last, how do you store brown rice or how do you know when brown rice goes bad?  These are some of the questions most kitchen savvies have asked and you probably have too.  In this post, I’ll answer every question you might have on …

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Can You freeze BBQ Sauce?

Can you freeze BBQ sauce? How do you preserve BBQ sauce? How long can BBQ sauce last in the freezer? What recipes can I make with BBQ leftovers? In this guide, I will answer all the questions that may have bothered your mind and provide practical tips for freezing BBQ sauce. So keep on reading …

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Can You Freeze Arugula?

Can you freeze arugula? Are you taking advantage of the fresh vegetables in season? Are you wondering if arugula and spinach are similar vegetables? Are you looking to prepare family-pleasers using your stock of arugula? If so, what recipes do you have in mind? This article will walk you through everything you need to know …

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Can Frozen Fruit Go Bad?

Freezing fruits will keep them longer, but can frozen fruits go bad? Or how long can frozen fruits last? These are some of the questions I have come across in most forums.  Fruits can last up to 9 months if you keep them frozen, but their shelf life depends on many factors, such as the …

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Can Blueberries Be Frozen?

Have you ever considered freezing your blueberries at home, especially when you buy more than you can consume in a week? Or have you ever wondered if you can freeze blueberries?  I have come across this question – can blueberries be frozen many times in forums, social media platforms, and from friends and relatives.  So …

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Can Macaroni Salad Be Frozen?

Did you prepare big batches of macaroni salad, or do you have some leftovers from the barbeque party you just hosted?  Or let me guess… You are thinking about whether or not it’s a good idea to freeze your macaroni salad?  At some point in life, we all have to deal with leftovers. But what …

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Can You Freeze Baked Beans?

Baked beans are traditionally white beans that are parboiled then cooked slowly over a low heat in a tomato-based sauce. If you opt to make your own, this tends to be made in large batches that you cannot get through in one evening.  Storing baked beans in the refrigerator can extend their lifespan by 3-4 …

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Can You Freeze Ginger?

Whether in its powdered or fresh root form, ginger is a resourceful ingredient to keep in your kitchen for all manner of dishes. However, even kept in a refrigerator it won’t take more than a few weeks for ginger to start to spoil – it can wither and rot, and the deterioration can be plain …

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