Can Blue Cheese Go Bad

Can Blue Cheese Go Bad?

Blue cheese is a very distinct type of cheese that many people either love or hate. It has a very strong taste and smell and can be easily identified by its coloring.

With most types of foods, it can be very easy to tell if it has gone bad just by looking at it or smelling it.

Due to the fact that blue cheese already looks and smells like it could be off, it makes it more difficult to tell. If you are a lover of blue cheese, you might be wondering if it can go bad and how to tell if it does.

In this article, we will explain everything that you need to know about storing blue cheese, how to keep it fresh, and whether or not it can go bad.

To do this, it can be helpful to understand what blue cheese is and how it is made, so we will start here.

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What is Blue Cheese?

Blue cheese is a type of cheese that is made with aspects of the mold called Penicillium. This is the factor that gives the cheese the spots and marks throughout it that range between different shades of blue and green.

You can easily identify this type of cheese by its distinct smell that comes from the mold and other types of bacteria that are left to grow on the cheese.

The main thing that you can smell is probably the bacterium Brevibacterium, which is very strong in terms of smell. Many people associate this with smelling bad, but it is actually perfectly fine to eat, and many people love to do so.

Blue cheeses are actually injected with spores before it forms, and sometimes the spores are mixed in with the curds after they have formed. This type of cheese is typically aged in a temperature-controlled environment for around 60 to 90 days.

The cheese can be eaten by itself, or you can add it to a variety of dishes to add flavor.

Can Blue Cheese Go Bad?

Just like with any other type of cheese, blue cheese can go bad if it is not stored correctly or if it has passed its expiry date.

This is why it is really important to store it properly in the refrigerator to avoid it going off. When it has been stored correctly, it can last for up to a month in the refrigerator before you need to think about throwing it away.

How to Store Blue Cheese

In order to store blue cheese correctly, when the original packaging has been opened, you should wrap up the cheese in either foil or film to keep it away from air.

You can then store it in the refrigerator for up to a month and enjoy it as and when you want to. If you don’t have any foil and film, you can also store it in an airtight container.

How to Tell if Blue Cheese Has Gone Bad?

Due to the smell and appearance of blue cheese, it can be more difficult than normal to tell if it has gone bad.

However, there are some things to look out for that will help you to identify when it is no longer safe to eat. If there are any fuzzy gray or black areas on the outside of your cheese, then unwanted mold has started to appear.

This is the first sign that your cheese has gone bad, and you will need to throw it away. As well as this, if you spot any signs of shiny pink or yellow spots of yeast, this is a clear sign that your blue cheese has gone off and is no longer safe for consumption.

The texture of the cheese can also be a key indicator, and if it feels slimy, tough, or dry, then the likelihood is that it has been spoiled.

You will have to use your best judgment to decide whether or not your blue cheese has gone bad, but if you notice any of the above signs, discard it immediately.

If you are ever unsure, the best thing to do is throw it away. Smells that are much stronger and noticeable than the normal smell of blue cheese will also be able to tell you if the cheese is off.

Never try to eat blue cheese that has gone bad because it can cause food poisoning. You can become really unwell due to the mold on the cheese, and it can be really harmful to your health.

Can I Freeze Blue Cheese?

Thankfully, to keep blue cheese fresher for even longer, you can put it in the freezer if it is still fresh. To do this, you should store it in a sealed freezer bag or airtight container and place it in the freezer.

You can leave it in the freezer for up to three months before it needs to be used, but after this point in time, it might not be the best quality.

After freezing and defrosting blue cheese, the taste and texture will not be exactly the same as it was before. It is highly likely to be more crumbly in consistency, and the flavor might not be as strong.

You might not want to directly eat the cheese after freezing due to this, and it is probably best to be used in cooked dishes instead.

Blue cheese will be safe to use indefinitely when it has been frozen, but the first three months of freezing is when the product is at its best. After this point, the cheese will slowly start to break down, which can diminish the flavor and make the texture very difficult to work with once defrosted.

When you have defrosted your blue cheese, you will need to store it in the refrigerator until you use it. It is best to consume it within two days of defrosting it to avoid it going bad.


A quick answer to your question is yes, blue cheese can go bad, and if this happens, you should discard it immediately.

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